Copper Coast Natural Skincare & Home Fragrance - Soy Wax Candle 100Ml (Cinnamon, Orange & Clove) — NeighbourFood
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Copper Coast Natural Skincare & Home Fragrance / Soy Wax Candle 100Ml (Cinnamon, Orange & Clove)
Soy Wax Candle 100Ml (Cinnamon, Orange & Clove)

Copper Coast Natural Skincare & Home Fragrance - Soy Wax Candle 100Ml (Cinnamon, Orange & Clove)

Title Price
1 x 100g €10.00
Our candles are fragranced using only essential oils so not only do they produce a wonderful aroma you also benefit from the therapeutic qualities of the oils. We use soy wax which 100% natural guaranteed to contain no herbicides, pesticides or paraffin.

Shelf Life: 2 Years
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Version: #20221019.1737#
Environment: ProductionUK
Process Id: 5940