A Natural Life by Dr. Suraya Diaz - Organic Chia Seeds Force (Dr. Diaz) — NeighbourFood
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A Natural Life by Dr. Suraya Diaz / Organic Chia Seeds Force (Dr. Diaz)
Organic Chia Seeds Force (Dr. Diaz)

A Natural Life by Dr. Suraya Diaz - Organic Chia Seeds Force (Dr. Diaz)

Title Price
1 x 500g €8.50
Organic Chia Seeds Force contains 500g of premium quality organic certified chia seeds for maximum nutritional benefits. These organic chia seeds can be used in cooking, smoothies or juices.
Organic Chia Seeds Force is packed in 100% ecological, compostable package made of paper and corn and free of plastic. No synthetic nutrients, artificial colours or flavours, no preservatives or yeast.
*Organic certified;
*Eco-friendly plastic free packaging;
*Guaranteed Irish;
*Toxins, dairy & gluten free;
*Approved & registered by FSAI & HPRA;

Shelf Life: 30 Days
Dairy Free Gluten Free Wheat Free Vegetarian Vegan Organic
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Version: #20221019.1737#
Environment: ProductionUK
Process Id: 6904