Buttercross foods - Ethically Sourced Magic Bags - 6 Portions Of Fruit — NeighbourFood
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Buttercross foods / Ethically Sourced Magic Bags - 6 Portions Of Fruit
Ethically Sourced Magic Bags -  6 Portions Of Fruit

Buttercross foods - Ethically Sourced Magic Bags - 6 Portions Of Fruit

Title Price
1 Item £9.00
Did you know that 45% of fruits and vegetables grown annually are thrown away?
(Credit Food loss database)

Lots of this waste is created by the demand of
Supermarket forecasting, this is where supermarkets will calculate what they might need in the future, often these calculations are wrong (think weathermen but predicting food demand) which results in large volumes of excess fruits from pack houses (pack houses are where your fruit is processed into packaging for the supermarkets) being dumped into the marketplace, and often becoming physical waste.

Your magic bag will contain a selection of fruit that has been sourced due to a pack house having too much stock, expect to see the following types of items in your lucky dip bag:
Stoned fruit
And other seasonal offerings, great value.

Magic bags will contain a mixture of class 1 and class 2 fruit.
Shelf Life: 3 Days
Dairy Free Vegetarian Vegan

NOTE: This product is an accepted import.

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